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- Access to personal information
- Access to source materials not such a wide range as books
- Access won’t be as freely available as a book from the library
- Addictive and time consuming.
- Advertising
- All the inaccurate information.
- Anonymity
- Because it’s not monitored (which is a way is good)
- Being sucked into distracting and non-relevant enquiries.
- Can be a time waster
- Can’t benefit in terms of likely time spent on it.
- Can't understand it.
- Changes the nature of human social contact
- Chaos
- Charges and computer ownership put the net out of reach to many. We need cheap access.
- Checking sources for research.
- Children accessing unsuitable material.
- Children meeting the wrong people.
- Complete lack of control over what's published on it
- copyright infringement
- cost and complexity
- Death of the book for more people
- Decline in royalties of print published work.
- Difficult to sift out material at the correct level for different age groups.
- Difficulty in getting control
- Dumbs down.
- Dying of boredom with self-styled experts.
- Easy access it gives to children.
- Easy access to drugs/porn
- Effect on public reference libraries.
- E-mails, spam - too much
- Encourages zombie like addiction in the young.
- Erosion of copyright concept
- Everything
- Expose me to viruses and junk e-mail.
- Eye strain
- Failures in technology when I've planned to work.
- Filtering out all the rubbish when searching, bad design, e-commerce security
- Fraud
- Getting known
- Getting unwanted material
- Government interference.
- How I overcome my resistance and how to spare the time to get information.
- I am more interested in the content of knowledge than the form.
- I don't understand it. I don't see the need of it.
- I don't want a lot of unsolicited e-mails
- I have enough trouble using my computer
- I think children may learn erroneous facts
- I wouldn't want my children to access violence, pornography etc.
- I'm too old (84) to learn new tricks
- Increasing Government controls (or attempts)
- Information overload
- Intrusion
- It is overhyped.
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on ...