I've just seen a piece in Lifehacker about Michael Hyatt switching from PC to Mac, and since just yesterday I bought my first Mac - a little 12" ibook - I'm curious to read about his progress. I'd already decided to document the change so it will be interesting to compare my experience with his and that of many others who have walked this way.
I'm writing this on a PC because my ISP Wanadoo doesn't support Macs on its wireless Livebox and so I'm not connected yet on the Mac. A word of caution - what Wanadoo calls 'wireless' is only wireless on a PC and on a Wanadoo network -- I discovered last week that the Wanadoo wireless adaptor won't connect to any other wireless network!!! This makes the notion of "freedom" according to Wanadoo something less than desirable. You can't wander far with Wanadoo!! I will be changing ISPs as soon as I can.
Meanwhile, I am starting this thread in the section reserved for the last chapter of Hello World - Our Country - because I'm expecting my landscape to change with the Mac. In the next post I'll detail my expectations and in the future we'll see whether the Mac actually meets them.