Please note this advance news of a new research project Writing and the Digital Life exploring the impact of digital technologies upon writing and lived experience. The emphasis will be upon creating an integrated and interdisciplinary cycle of research, teaching, and writing projects, providing ongoing reflection and the generation of new ideas. We are especially interested in applying the lens of creative writing to technological and media ecologies, practical creativity, human computer interaction, and the natural environment (what do we mean by 'natural'?).
The project is managed by Sue Thomas, former Artistic Director of trAce, now Professor of New Media in the Faculty of Humanities, De Montfort University, UK.
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This list will begin as announce-only. For more information please contact Sue direct at [email protected], phone +44 (0)116 207 8266, or write to:
Sue Thomas
Professor of New Media
School of Media and Cultural Communication
Faculty of Humanities
De Montfort University
The Gateway