My article ‘When Geeks Go Camping: Finding California in Cyberspace’ has been published earlier than expected, so I would like to offer it up for some holiday entertainment. It’s kind of academic and tongue-in-cheek at the same time. (And if you are a camping geek, or geeking camper, or you know of any, please get in touch!)
In the same issue, Bruce Sterling expounds on the 'SoCal DigiCult': "The vitality of Southern California arises from the resilient intuition that there is always a next time, the next re-boot, the next re-framing. In this smouldering, quake-racked landscape are sturdy elements of deep cultural continuity, dating back to the first back-lot shacks flung up for the hasty production of silent film." You can feel the heat shimmering off the freeways.
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 15, No. 1, 13-30 (2009) DOI: 10.1177/1354856508097016 Sadly, it can only be accessed via subscription although the Editorial seems to be freely available.