Technobiophilia: The innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike processes as they appear in technology
derived from 'Biophilia': The innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike processes (Wilson, Edward O. Biophilia. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984. p23.)
"Many people mistakenly think of the internet as a destination but, like zen, it is merely a pathway" Philip Toshio Sudo
I was recently reminded of this quote, which I love. It's from Zen Computer, by the late Philip Toshio Sudo. I highly recommend this thoughtful and delightful read.
"Many people mistakenly think of the internet as a destination but, like zen, it is merely a pathway" Philip Toshio Sudo
I was recently reminded of this quote, which I love. It's from Zen Computer, by the late Philip Toshio Sudo. I highly recommend this thoughtful and delightful read.